What do you really mean by freedom?

Different aspects of freedom often reinforce one another. But sometimes they are in conflict and you find yourself having to choose one over the other. What kind of freedom is more important for you and what kind of freedom are you most willing to let go?

The Freedom-Talk survey is an intellectual game that places you in a variety of very concrete scenarios and asks you to choose among conflicting aspects of freedom. At the end of the game you will know more about your own views. You will also find out more about where you stand on three important social dilemmas: 1. What is the correct relationship between individual and society? 2. Is it ever wise to try to increase welfare by coercive and restrictive means? 3. How flexible should our rules be and what degree of arbitrariness should laws have?

The survey has ten short questions, followed by two groups of 21 puzzles. You can see your results after solving the first 21 puzzles, but it is recommended that you solve both groups of puzzles. Each of these puzzles will present you with a choice between two different scenarios and you'll be asked in which one people have more freedom, which you find personally preferable, and which you think best serves the public good on the long term. At the end of the survey you will also be presented with more information that will help you understand the concepts better.

Solving a group of 21 puzzles takes about 20 minutes. We hope you enjoy it!

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"To govern oneself, to obey laws that one has chosen for oneself, to be self-determining, is a desirable end. Yet human beings cannot attain this end by living in isolation. To enjoy satisfactory lives, they must live in association with others." Robert Dahl
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Individual vs. Community

When individual freedom comes in conflict with the goal of promoting the identity or security of the group, what would you choose?

How people responded so far:

Negative vs. Positive

If by imposing some restrictions upon everybody, people's average number of choices, welfare or autonomy increases, could we say that freedom has increased?

How people responded so far:

Procedures vs. Outcomes

Do we have more freedom when people stick to the right procedures even when they could obtain momentary advantages by avoiding the rules, or when they have a flexible attitude towards rule following?

How people responded so far:

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